Salt processing plant

Bejai Ethio Industrial supplied molasses blending plant to Gumara Animal Feed Factories at 08 Akaki Kality, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Sugar factories in Ethiopia use sulfur as a disinfectant and hydrated lime as a filter to produce sugar. Molasses is a sludge from sugar production and is not randomly added to chicken feed and cattle feed. It is highly toxic. Abroad (Turkey and Europe) their modern sugar factories do not use sulphur, so the animal feed processing factories from those countries do not have molasses handling or if they do, they use steam. However, exposing the molasses supplied to our sugar factory to more than 45 ⁰C will be toxic to cattle and chickens (this is what our company has found through experience and research).

There is a great research, design and machines that can solve this problem, we call it Cold Molasses Handling Line. we don’t use heat to solve the problems related to molasses, we produce a machine with the help of software.

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